The front cover shows lots of subtitles which would make lots of men want to buy it. It has a famous celebrity Ryan Reynolds on it. Ryan Reynolds is looking at the camera which gives the effect of him looking at you. The Men's Health title is covered by Ryan Reynolds head which means that he is the most important on the page. The text is big and bold to show what is the 'juiciest' in the magazine. There is also the small text which shows less importance. Ryan Reynolds is wearing normal clothes which shows that the magazine is not at all about fashion. The colours on the magazine are masculine. The red title represents energy, war, danger, strength, power and determination. The black text represents power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. Ryan Reynolds body position is cool and chilled out and looking tough and confident.
The front cover shows lots of text, big numbers and a celebrity- Cheryl Cole- in the middle covering most of the title. Cheryl Cole is looking straight at the camera which gives the effect of him looking at you. The GLAMOUR title is covered by Cheryl Cole which means that she is the most important person in the magazine. The text is big and bold to show what is the 'juiciest' in the magazine. There is also the small text which shows less importance. Cheryl Cole is wearing trendy clothes which means that the magazine is about fashion and gossip. The colours on the magazine are feminine. The pink represents silly, girlish and immature. The black text represents power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. Her body position is her holding a camera seeming as though she is trying to take a photo of you
The front cover shows lots of text, big numbers and a celebrity- Jeremy Runner- in the middle covering most of the title. Jeremy Runner is looking straight at the camera which gives the effect of him looking at you. The Men's Health title is covered by Jeremy Runner which means that he is the most important person in the magazine. The text is big and bold to show what is the 'juiciest' in the magazine. There is also the small text which shows less importance. The red title represents energy, war, danger, strength, power and determination. The blue text represents It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. His body position is showing strength and intelligence.
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