Video 1 : Candy Shop- Artist: 50 cent

What type of representations?
The video representation seems to be in certain parts realist and others anti-realist: the video is realist due to the exaggeration of this ‘ideal, expensive lifestyle’ and how there are numrous girls dancing in routine round his house as if this is every day life seems far from realistic. However some aspects of the flashy lifestyle represented in the video does seem resonalably realistic for a celebrity such as 50 Cent such as the cars and big expensive house. There is only one male within the music video so there isnt a represntation of males as a group however there are many females within the group who are a whole are being represented in a postive light in relation to the song. The music video mainly conveys a progressive representation as there arent alot of old- fashioned elements within the video: the video is set in explistly in 21st centery/modern lifestyles such as the materialism. However there still is a regressive representation within the video as women still are very much in the video for image and sex appeal: this refers to Laura Mulvey’s notion of voyeurism.
What is being represented?
In the music video there is generally a young age range represented. However there is only one male character in the video: from the representation of 50 Cent within the video portrays him as materalistic, rich and dominant as he is shown to be this sort of ‘playa’ and ‘pimp’. The ethnic representation in the music video is quite odd there is not alot of ethnic diversity in the video and very dual hertiage/mixed raced.
Representation and dominant values
There is a very obvious sense of materialism in the music video there is constant images/cuts showning materialistic items such as flash cars, big hosues, diamonds, chains etc. The video is a clear example of modern day celebrity culture which is linked with materialism. The equality and fairness represented in the video seems to be more related/link with regressive representation: women are exploited and exposed in provoactaive clothes and are dancing around the domiant male as if they are his property.
How is the star image of the performer represented?
The star image of 50 Cent are very much the same type of typical connotations linked with R&B & Hip-Hop rappers such as chains, cars, tattoos, big houses and expensive clothes.
Do we see examples of Laura Mulvey’s notion of voyeurism?
We definately see examples of Mylvey’s notion of voyeurism. The music video portrays women as objects and they are clearly used in the video soley for the purposes of display and as Mulvey argued women are typically displayed in a passive, objectified way ( male gaze).

Video 2: Snoop Dog Ft. David Guetta- Sweat
What type of representation?
Music videos objectify women as trophy pieces and property, which is commonly affiliated with materialism. In Snoop Dogs video, Sweat, there are a multiple amount of women on each side of him touching him while he is shirtless. This scene implies that women are only capable of doing Sexual tasks and that they are "Objects of Desire". Similarly, in other videos, beautiful women are positioned near an elegant car smiling or laughing seductively. "Male artists use women in their videos as an accessory, to make the video more appealing to a larger audience".
Video 3: Halie Loren- A Woman's Way

This video represents women in a good way because it isn't as sexual as other videos with women in it this video only show her dancing at a pub with some guy she met no sexual scenes what so ever.
This video shows one women's perspective and what they should do.
What you have here is
very good and you have responded well to the question, even posing your own
questions. You have used examples well also.
T: Try to use more examples
and key terminology (see VCOP Blog). Pick out all of the technical aspects
(Mise-en-scene, editing, lyrics etc) and how they help you come to
your conclusions.
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